S Aziz (Abdikhaliq)

Said Aziz (Abdikhaliq) Certify Pastoral and Chaplain. Cupping/Massage Practitioner. I also have five years of experience in massage/cupping therapist. I help my community as a wellness therapist. Most customers appreciate my massage/cupping service, and I enjoy my work.

Said (Abdikhaliq) he is the founder of Hijama, Cupping and Spiritual Healing, here in Minneapolis MN and his been doing Hijama (Wet Cuppting) and dry cupping for the last 5 years and he has been providing to the community with his services.  

My goal is to promote the awareness about Hijama and Educate the general public about Hijama therapy so they can benefit from this forgotten Islamic treatment.

Abdikhaliq has 6 years ex