Welcome to Hijama Cupping & Spiritual Healing.
The best Dry Cupping Massage and wet cupping in town.

Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.
if you interested, please book now.

OlyLife PEMF THz Tera-P90

OlyLife PEMF THz Tera-P90 offers cutting-edge technology to enhance your wellness through Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy combined with THz frequency. This advanced device targets pain relief, boosts circulation, and promotes overall health, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a holistic approach to their well-being. If you interested, please click the bottom link.

Taabo Halkaan.

OlyLife Galaxy G-One Eye Device

Experience the future of eye care with the OlyLife Galaxy G-One Eye Device! This innovative product is designed to address the daily challenges our eyes face, providing comprehensive care and rejuvenation for tired, strained eyes. If you interested, please click the bottom link.

Taabo Halkaan.
هل الاحتجام يفسد الصوم؟
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هل الاحتجام يفسد الصوم؟

فذهب الجمهور من أهل العلم من الأئمة الثلاثة: أبو حنيفة ومالك والشافعي، إلى أنها لا تفطر، لما روى البخاري عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم احتجم وهو محرم، واحتجم وهو صائم.

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With people looking for alternative and affordable solutions to their health problems, HIjama, Cupping as it is called in English has become more and more popular. We at Hijama, Cupping and Spiritual Heailing INC aim to do that. Our goals is to provide our community with quality services and give them the alternative means they are looking for.

Do you know that Many symptoms that seemed untreatable can be successfully treated with Hijama Wet cupping and dry cupping?
Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.
if you interested, please book now.


Drink plenty of water – Aim for 6 – 8 standard cups prior to treatment. Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing – may need to roll up your clothes. Let your therapist know of any medication you are on and your Medical history

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Blood detoxification. Pain reliefs. Strong Immune System. Muscle Relaxations. Good blood Circulations. Feeling very light. and match more.

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Everyone is different and you will have your own way of responding to the session. We suggest that for a few hours after the session you avoid exercise and sleep. There may be short term changes to..

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drink six to eight glasses of fluid a day. Water, lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count." whereas the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine advises women to have around 2.7 litres daily from all beverages and foods and for men 3.7 litres...

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Hamdi Abdille

Hijama, Cupping Practitioner

Ms, Hamdi Abdille is a professional Hijama practitioner with well experience.

S Aziz (Abdikhaliq)


Said Aziz (Abdikhaliq) Certify Pastoral and Chaplain. Cupping/Massage Practitioner. I also have five years of experience in massage/cupping therapist. I help my community as a wellness therapist. Most customers appreciate my massage/cupping service, and I enjoy my work.


Bil asxaanakum hadaad qaadataan daawooyinka hoos ku qoran ha istoobin, hadaad rabto inaad istoobtana isbuuc jooji, inaad joojin kartana kala tasho dhakhtarkaada. Aspirin. ( Apixaban (Eliquis). Dabigatran (Pradaxa). Dalteparin (Fragmin). Edoxaban (Savaysa). Enoxaparin (Lovenox). Fondaparinux (Arixtra). Haparin (Innohep) and Rivaroxaban (Xarelto).


Walaalayaal toobinka waxaa oogu fiican inaad sameeyso adoo sooman, hadii aadan soomeeynin waxaa sameeysaa inaad joojiso wax walba 3da saac ee ballantaada ka dhiman si aad faa iido wanaagsan ooga heshid toobinka.


Macaamiisheeyda waxaan u sheegayaa intaadan istoobin utag dhakhtarkaada oo soo hubi inaadan aneemiya qabin oo uusan dhiiga kugu yareeyn, kadibna noo imaow.


Walaalayaal intaadan istoobin soo qabeeysta soona weyseeysta, maadaama toobinka uu yahay sunno faa iidooyin badanna laga helo.


Markii lagu toobo kadib 3da maalin ee soo socota ha cunin Hilbi ariga, Geela, Lo'da, iyo idahaba, maadama xinjirro badan lagaa soo saaray waxaa la doonayaa dhiiga socodkiisa inuu wanaagsanaado si difaaca jirkaada u xooganaado.

Hamoogaan toobinka. imageHamoogaan toobinka. imageHamoogaan toobinka. image
 وعن جابر، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "إن في الحجم شفاء" (مختصر مسلم 1480
Allaha ka raali noqdee Wxaa jaabir laga wariyay inuu Nabigeena NNKH yiri, Toobinka waxaa inkugu sugan caafimaad iyo inaad ku daawowdaan. ka fiiri Mukhtasir Muslim 1480.

وعن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "ما مررت ليلة أسري بي بملء من الملائكة إلا قالوا: يا محمد مُر أمتك بالحجامة" حديث صحيح (انظر صحيح الجامع 5671 وصحيح ابن ماجة 2819 بنحوه)، وفي رواية: "عليك يا
(2818 محمد.بالحجامة". (صحيح ابن ماجة

Allaha ka raali noqdee Waxaa Anas binu maalig laga wariyay inuu Nabigeena NNKH yiri Habeebkii la idheelmiyay waa (Al-israa-Wal micraaj) markastoon maro koox Malaaig ah waxeey igu dhahayeen Nabi Muxamadow amar umadaada toobinka.
waa xadiith saxiix ah waxaadna ka fiirin karta Saxiixul Jaamic 5671. Waxaad kaloo ka fiirin kartaa Saxiix ibnu maajah 2819. Ruwaayad kale ayaa oraneeysa Nabi muxumadow korkaada toobin ha ahaato. waxaad ka heli kartaa Saxiix ibnu Maajah 2818.

عن أبي هريرة، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من احتجم لسبعة عشرة من الشهر، وتسعة عشرة، وإحدى وعشرين، كان له شفاء من كل داء" حديث حسن (انظر صحيح الجامع .5968)
Allaha ka raali noqdee waxaa abuu Hureeyra laga wariyay inuu Nabigeena NNKH yiri, qofkii istooba markuu dayaxa maraayo 17.19 iyo 21ka waxaa ugu sugan daawo daaweeyneeysa cudurada oo dhan. waana hadiith Wanaagsan (ka fiiri Saxiixul Jaamic 5968).

وعن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - إذا هاج بأحدِكم الدمُ فلْيحتجم ، فإنَّ الدمَ إذا تبيَّغَ بصاحبِه يقتلُه. المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : السلسلة    الصحيحة
الصفحة أو الرقم: 2747 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح التخريج : أخرجه الطبري في ((مسند ابن عباس)) 

Allaha ka Raali noqdee waxaa Anas Binu Maalik laga wariyay inuu yiri, Haduu qofkiin uu dhiiga ku kaco ha istoobo, Sababtoo ah haduu qofka dhiiga kicitaankiisa ku bato isagaa dila.
Waxaad ka heleeysaa Silsilatul Saxiix (2747). Kulaasada Xadiithkaan waa saxiix waxaana soo saaray Dhabarii, waxaadna ka heleeysaa Musnad ibnu Cabaas (779).

الحِجامةُ من العِلاجاتِ الَّتي وَرَدَتْ في السُّنَّةِ النَّبويَّةِ، وقد تكونُ من بابِ الوِقايةِ من الأمْراضِ قَبلَ حُدوثِها أو تَنْشيطًا لِلجَسَدِ، كما تكونُ عِلاجًا لِبَعضِ الأمْراضِ، وقد ورَدَ فيها أحاديثُ نَبويَّةٌ مُتعدِّدةٌ يَنبَغي أنْ يُجمَعَ بيْنَها، ومِن ذلِكَ قَولُ النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ في هذا الحَديثِ: "مَن أرادَ الحِجامةَ، فلْيَتَحَرَّ سَبْعةَ عَشَرَ، أو تِسْعةَ عَشَرَ، أو إحْدَى وعِشْرينَ"، أي: فلْيَقُمْ بالحِجامةِ في هذه الأيَّامِ، وهو يَنُصُّ على أفضَلِ أيَّامِ الحِجامةِ مِن كُلِّ شَهرٍ قَمَريٍّ "ولا يَتبيَّغْ بأحَدِكم الدَّمُ فيَقتُلَه"، أي: لا يَترُكُ الدَّمَ يَهيجُ في جِسمِهِ فيَقتُلُهُ، وتَبيُّغُ الدَّمِ هو هَياجُهُ، ومِن أحْوالِ هَياجِهِ مَرَضُ ارتِفاعِ ضَغطِ الدَّمِ، والصَّداعُ الشَّديدُ، ويُمكِنُ للمُسلِمِ توَقِّي كُلِّ ذلِكَ بالحِجامةِ، وهذا مَعْناهُ أنَّها شِفاءٌ لِكُلِّ داءٍ سَبَبُهُ غَلَبةُ الدَّمِ. وقيلَ: إنَّ اختِيارَ هذه الأوْقاتِ للحِجامةِ فيما إذا كانت على سَبيلِ الاحْتياطِ والتَّحرُّزِ من الأذَى، وحِفظًا للصِّحَّةِ، وأمَّا في مُداواةِ الأمْراضِ، فحيثُما وُجِدَ الاحتياجُ إليها وجَبَ استِعْمالُها

OlyLife PEMF THz Tera-P90

OlyLife PEMF THz Tera-P90 offers cutting-edge technology to enhance your wellness through Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy combined with THz frequency. This advanced device targets pain relief, boosts circulation, and promotes overall health, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a holistic approach to their well-being. if you interesting please click this link. https://abdi.olylifeglobal.com/shop/

Taabo Halkaan.


Hijama, also known as ‘wet cupping’ is a treatment from Prophetic ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) Medicine and an established Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) not only practiced Hijama but also prescribed his Ummah to find cure in Hijama. Hijama is a method of curing and preventing physical and metaphysical illnesses. Hijama refers to gently extracting of toxic and stagnant blood from key point in the body by the means of cupping using a suction cup.

  • 116 East 32nd Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Make sure you eat vegetables daily.

Will keep you in good health.

Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.


By appointment Monday to Sunday 11:am to 4:PM

HOME VISITS By arrangement.